No Cinema. Ustwo on Monument Valley
Wann? 4. April 2016, 18:00 Uhr
Wo? Toni Kino, Toni Areal Zürich
Monument Valley is a surreal exploration through fantastical architecture and impossible geometry. Guide the silent Princess Ida through mysterious monuments, uncovering hidden paths, taking advantage of optical illusions and outsmarting the enigmatic Crow People. Inspired by the art of M.C. Escher, Japanese prints and minimalist 3D design, each level is a unique, hand-crafted combination of puzzle, graphic design and architecture. Like listening to an album or walking through a museum for the first time, Monument Valley is about discovery, perception and meaningful beauty.» (Source: Presskit, Monument Valley, ustwo)
Neil McFarland is part of the leadership team at London based ustwo games ltd. focusing on internal studio improvement and IP amplification opportunities.
The team's most recent title is Land’s End a gaming exclusive currently exclusive to Samsung Gear VR. Previously games include the critically acclaimed mobile game Monument Valley. Neil has helped shape most of ustwo's wide range of app store launches, including a children's ebook for the iOS, a music creation toy and an experimental multi-media literature platform and illustrated the company's popular endless runner Whale Trail. A core gamer and illustrator, Neil wants to make games that people play all the way through.
Allgemeine Informationen zu den Beiträgen der Fachrichtung Game Design im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe «Kein Kino»:
In diesem Jahr setzen sich die fünf Veranstaltungsbeiträge der Fachrichtung Game Design mit dem Thema Activating spaces: Stories as playground auseinander. Im Fokus der Vorlesungen stehen Bühnenräume an der Schnittstelle von Theater, Performance, Game Design und Film.
In den fünf Vorträgen der geplanten Reihe möchten wir Raumpositionen von Szenografen, Dramaturgen, Künstlern, Designern und Regisseuren einander gegenüberstellen. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Schnittstelle von virtueller Welt und realem Raum sowie auf innovativen, interaktiven Erzählstrategien.
Eine Veranstaltung der Fachrichtung Game Design. Kuration: Maike Thies & Florian Faller
Screenhot Credits: Presskit, Monument Valley, ustwo