ZHdK conference Interactive Experiences on «A Playful Reflection on Society» at Ludicious – Zürich Game Festival
The conference «Interactive Experiences: A Playful Reflection on Society» will take place on January 31st, 2019, 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm. It will be curated and hosted by the Subject Area in Game Design of the Zurich University of the Arts in cooperation with Ludicious – Zürich Game Festival. The conference addresses game designers, artists, and creative professionals. We want to discuss the possibilities, and challenges of implementing socially relevant topics in games. What kind of strategies or design methods enable us to formulate criticism and protest, and help us to overcome digital stereotypes and biases? How can games integrate social criticism not only in their narratives but also in their mechanics and gameplay?
Looking forward seeing you there.
Programme Overview
2:00 om to 2:10 pm:
Welcoming and introduction by the chairs of the conference Prof. Ulrich Götz, Florian Faller & Maike Thies
2:15 pm to 2:35 pm:
Steve Gaynor (Fullbright) on Dealing with Social Issues: Past, Present and Future
2:40 pm to 3:00 pm:
Philipp Steimel (Machina eX) on Reality has the best graphics – (Real Life) Game Design moderating social interaction
3:05 pm to 3:25 pm:
Leonard Menchiari on RIOT: documenting through simulation and game design
3:30 pm to 4:00 pm: Coffee Break
4:00 pm to 4:25 pm:
Paintbucket Games (Jörg Friedrich & Sebastian Steffen-Schulz) on «HALT! ACHTUNG! VERBOTEN!». How games paint Nazis wrong, why this should bother us and how we can change it
*Keynote Speaker
4:30 pm to 5:20 pm:
Anita Sarkeesian (Feminist Frequency) on «Space Invaders: The Fight for a More Inclusive Gaming Industry»
5:30 pm:
Closing words and greetings by the chairs of the conference: Prof. Ulrich Götz, Florian Faller & Maike Thies