Kein Kino. Yasaman Sheri
When: February 18th, 2019, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Where: Toni Kino, Zurich University of the Arts
Free admission
This semester's edition of the lecture «Kein Kino» is titled «Boundaries». It features artists, designers, researchers and industry professionals that are interested and not at all afraid of overcoming boundaries and decided to work in the intersection of Arts – Design – Technology. I am thrilled to have Yasaman Sheri confirmed for the first lecture in the spring semester.
Yasaman Sheri is a Creative Director, Designer and Researcher who works with new technologies to explore possible and becoming futures. Her research focuses on interaction of humans, living things and machines, exploring synthetic sensing, perception systems and augmentation of body, objects and ecologies.
Yasaman is Faculty at Copenhagen Institute for Interaction Design (CIID) and Rhode Island School of Design and has led Core Interaction Design for the first consumer level Augmented Reality Operating System Head-Mounted Display: Microsoft Hololens Windows Holographic, NASA Ames Research Center, Toyota, Yeast Lab and Google (X). Most Recently Yasaman is the second Creative Resident at the world’s leading synthetic biology company Ginkgo Bioworks where she is situated in a hybrid LAB | STUDIO space exploring biosensors.
She has won numerous design awards, speaks publicly at TED, European Commission, United Nations and is frequently a guest critic at Art Center College, Columbia University, Cooper Union, Stanford and University of Washington.
Yasaman is currently working with various companies and organizations as design director and facilitator, bringing her expertise in AR/VR/MR, Gesture and Voice Interfaces, Perception, Sensing and emerging areas of design interactions such as biology, food and smell interfaces.