Kein Kino. Nadya Suvorova
Hidden Dimensions of Lights
When? May 13th, 2019, 6:30 pm
Where? Kino Toni
Nadya Suvorova presents the projects she developed during her recent three-month residency at the Visual Computing Center of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia: «Refractive Sculptures» and «Light Catcher». The «artists-in-labs KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange» is supported by KAUST, Office of Enrichment and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
The residency at the intersection of science and art provided space and time to engage with complex questions and approaches related to Visual Computing. In collaboration with the researchers, the artist developed experimental optical scenarios that reveal polarized light to the human eye through the light-gathering instruments. Polarisation vision is used by a number of creatures such as octopuses, mantis shrimps, honeybees, and desert ants for both navigation and communication. However, human beings are almost blind to it without the aid of optical devices. Together with scientists from the Computational Imaging Group, she participated in research experiments in the laboratory and the Red Sea and exchanged ideas about potential and methods of polarization imaging.
Nadya Suvorova (b.1987) is an interactive media artist based in Zurich. She invents poetic journeys using different technologies and materials. Her playful works celebrate the weird beauty of our reality. At the junction between play, art and science, she is exploring the grace of the natural world from the scale of particle physics to the vast cosmos. She creates playful installations, video games, interactive documentaries, sculptures, graphics.
Nadya has exhibited her work internationally at the ZKM Karlsruhe, Cité du Design at Saint Etienne, Museum of Arts (MoA) Seoul, Hammer Museum etc.
The «artists-in-labs KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange» was initiated by the artists-in-labs program, a unique programme of ZHdK, fostering the collaboration of artists and scientists in Switzerland and worldwide since 2003. The art-science residencies, offered in many different scientific fields and open for artists of all disciplines, are accompanied by a diverse range of outreach formats, such as exhibitions, presentations performances, short documentary films and books.
The «artists-in-labs KAUST-Swiss Residency Exchange» is supported by KAUST, Office of Enrichment and the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.