ZHdK Conference Interactive Experiences: Crossing Boundaries for Serious Reasons. Ludicious – Zürich Game Festival
The application of serious & applied games used to be limited to education, therapy/ rehabilitation, and physical training - with only minor regard to their qualities as game.
Today, the boundaries of both serious and entertaining games are blurring. Topics of classical serious & applied games appear in entertaining content, whereas elaborated game mechanics and gameplay become essential to serious & applied games. Technological innovations establish new multimodal and multisensorial interactions for bodily, emotional and sensorial experiences. Entertainment becomes a driving force behind the conveyance of knowledge-oriented content.
Current game developments show that entertainment and serious contents are not mutually exclusive. Contents which used to be located in entirely different disciplines are mixing more and more, defining new forms of both entertainment and the conveyance of serious content.
The conference aims to disclose the potentials of combinations and exchange between contemporary positions and technologies which will shape our perception of the human body and mind in serious & applied games.
A conference curated and hosted by the Subject Area in Game Design of the Zurich University of the Arts in cooperation with Ludicious – Zürich Game Festival.
When & Where?
January 26, 2017, 9 AM to 1 PM, Kasernenareal Zürich
Zurich University of the Arts / Subject Area in Game Design
Prof. Ulrich Götz (Head of Subject Area);
Anna Lisa Martin-Niedecken (Senior Researcher);
Maike Thies (Research Associate)
Keynote Speaker
10:45 AM to 11:25 AM: PD Dr. Eling de Bruin (Research Group Leader, Institute of Human Movement Sciences and Sport (IBWS), ETHZ) on HOW DO VIDEO GAMES AFFECT THE HUMAN BODY & BRAIN? Design considerations for games intended to improve health & mobility of older adults
9 AM to 9:30 AM: Prof. Ulrich Götz (Head of Subject Area in Game Design, Zurich University of the Arts) on Exploitation of gaming motivation in ZHdK rehab games and exergames
9:30 AM to 10 AM: Attila Szantner (Co-Founder of MMOS, Web Entrepeneur) and Bergur Finnbogason (Development Manager of CCP / E.V.E Online) on Project Discovery: Enters Citizen Science
10 AM to 10:30 AM: Charlie Zechenter (Director, Author, Curator and Member of the artist group gold extra) on New narrative Approaches in documentary Games
11:25 AM to 11:55 AM: Brendon Trombley (Senior Game Designer of Institute of Play) on Quest to Learn: Supercharging School with the Power of Games
11:55 AM to 12:25 PM: Erin Reynolds (Founder, CEO and Creative Director of Flying Mollusk) on The Development of Nevermind: Stress and Trauma Meets Fun and Games
12:25 PM to 12:55 PM Marte Roel (Founding member of Be Another Lab, Artist, Reseacher, Lecturer) on From the eyes of another: reflections on empathy and embodiment
Find further details on the conference here.
Get your conference pass here.
For press accrediation please contact press@ludicious.ch.
Looking forward seeing you there.